Thank you for your inquiry concerning our franchising program. Please complete this questionnaire to provide us with some general information about you so we can assess whether you qualify for our program based on your interests and situation. If you appear to qualify and a mutual interest develops, we will contact you to request additional information when we are prepared to expand into your region of interest.
Please note: This is not an application and does not create any binding obligation on either you or us. This also does not constitute a franchise offering or an offer to sell a franchise. A franchise offering can be made by us only in a state or country if we are first registered, excluded, exempted or otherwise qualified to offer franchises in that state or country, and only if we provide you with an appropriate franchise disclosure document. We will hold the information you provide in confidence.
Has anyone in the investor group ever visited a Magnolia Bakery before?
Territory Preference:
Number of units you feel are appropriate to develop in the requested territory in five years: